Date of Birth: August 31rst, 1969 in Adelaide, Australia
Family: Brother Anthony LaPaglia, who stars in Without a Trace.
Previous Occupation: ER doctor in Australia
Hobbies: Reading, mountain biking, running and snowboarding.


I'm not sure what my attraction to this man is. I mean, I don't think it is a physical one. Don't get me wrong, he isn't by no means bad looking, it's just that I don't find him overly cute. Still, when I happen to catch a glimpse of him on the television, my insides all melt into a pool of gooey goodness at my feet. Maybe I'm just in love with his character on 7 Days. Maybe it's the fact that he is really good at playing a smart ass - something not many people can do very well. When I am able to see another one of his roles, then perhaps I will know if I'm attracted to the actor, or the character. Until then, I will be fulfilling my craving the only way I know how - tuning into the 7 Days reruns every night.


The Agency (2002)(tv show) - Detective Kevin Debreno in episode:
--"Doublecrossover" (episode 1.21)
The District (2000) - Detective Kevin Debreno in episodes:
Season Two:
--"Lost and Found" (episode 2.1)
--"Foreign Affair" (episode 2.2)
--"Night Shift (a.k.a. Back Fire)" (episode 2.3)
--"The Project" (episode 2.4)
--"To Serve and Protect" (episode 2.5)
--"Melt Down" (episode 2.6)
--"Bulldog's Ghost" (episode 2.7)
--"Tug of War" (episode 2.8)
--"Cop Hunt" (episode 2.9)
--"Thursday" (episode 2.10)
--"Russian Winter (a.k.a.The Russian Wars)" (episode 2.11)
--"Twist of Hate" (episode 2.12)
--"This Too Shall Pass" (episode 2.13)
--"Wasteland" (episode 2.14)
--"Daughter for Daughter" (episode 2.15)
--"The Greenhouse Effect" (episode 2.16)
--"Still Life" (episode 2.17)
--"Shades of Gray" (episode 2.18)
--"Shell Game" (episode 2.19)
--"The Killing Point" (episode 2.20)
--"Convictions" (episode 2.21)
--"Payback" (episode 2.22)
Under Hellgate Bride (1999) - Vincent
7 Days (1998)(tv show) - Lt. Frank Bartholomew Parker in episodes:
Season One:
--"Pilot: Part One" (episode 1.1)
--"Pilot: Part Two" (episode 1.2)
--"The Gettysburg Virus" (episode 1.3)
--"Come Again?" (episode 1.4)
--"Vows" (episode 1.5)
--"Doppleganger: Part One" (episode 1.6)
--"Doppleganger: Part Two" (episode 1.7)
--"Shadow Play" (episode 1.8)
--"As Time Goes By" (episode 1.9)
--"Sleepers" (episode 1.10)
--"HAARP Attack" (episode 1.11)
--"Last Card Up" (episode 1.12)
--"Last Breath" (episode 1.13)
--"Parkergeist" (episode 1.14)
--"Daddy's Girl" (episode 1.15)
--"There's Something About Olga" (episode 1.16)
--"A Dish Best Served Cold" (episode 1.17)
--"Vegas Heist" (episode 1.18)
--"EBEs" (episode 1.19)
--"Walter" (episode 1.20)
--"Lifeboat" (episode 1.21)
Season Two:
--"The Football" (episode 2.1)
--"Pinball Wizard" (episode 2.2)
--"" (episode 2.3)
--"For the Children" (episode 2.4)
--"Two Weddings and a Funeral" (episode 2.5)
--"Walk Away" (episode 2.6)
--"Sister's Keeper" (episode 2.7)
--"The Collector" (episode 2.8)
--"Love and Other Disasters" (episode 2.9)
--"The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" (episode 2.10)
--"Time Gremlin" (episode 2.11)
--"Buried Alive" (episode 2.12)
--"The Backstepper's Apprentice" (episode 2.13)
--"Deja Vu All Over Again" (episode 2.14)
--"Space Station Down" (episode 2.15)
--"The Cuban Missile" (episode 2.16)
--"X-35 Needs Changing" (episode 2.17)
--"Brother, Can You Spare a Bomb?" (episode 2.18)
--"Pope Parker" (episode 2.19)
--"Witch Way to the Prom" (episode 2.20)
--"Mr. Donovan's Neighborhood" (episode 2.21)
--"Playmates and Presidents" (episode 2.22)
--"The Cure" (episode 2.23)
Season Three:
--"Stairway to Heaven" (episode 3.1)
--"Peacekeepers" (episode 3.2)
--"Rhino" (episode 3.3)
--"The Dunwych Madness" (episode 3.4)
--"Olga's Excellent Vacation" (episode 3.5)
--"Deloris Demands" (episode 3.6)
--"The Fire Last Time" (episode 3.7)
--"Tracker" (episode 3.8)
--"Top Dog" (episode 3.9)
--"Adam & Eve & Adam" (episode 3.10)
--"Head Case" (episode 3.11)
--"Raven" (episode 3.12)
--"The First Freshman" (episode 3.13)
--"Revelation" (episode 3.14)
--"Crystal Blue Persuasion" (episode 3.15)
--"Empty Quiver" (episode 3.16)
--"Kansas" (episode 3.17)
--"The Final Countdown" (episode 3.18)
--"The Brink" (episode 3.19)
--"Sugar Mountain" (episode 3.20)
--"Born in the USSR" (episode 3.21)
--"Live: From Death Row" (episode 3.22)
Origin of the Species (1998) - Stan
Inferno (1998)(TV) - Eddie
Law & Order (1998) - Frank Russo in episode:
--"Grief" (episode 8.14)
Deconstructing Harry (1997) [buy me] - First Assistant Cameraperson
Astoria Fix (1997) - Drug Lord
The Cure (1995) -
New York Undercover (1994) - Det. Tommy Macnamara in episodes:
Season Three:
--"A Time of Faith: Part One" (episode 3.1)
--"A Time of Faith: Part Two" (episode 3.2)
--"Tough Love" (episode 3.3)
--"Blue Boy" (episode 3.4)
--"Rules of Engagement" (episode 3.5)
--"Kill the Noise" (episode 3.6)
--"Smack Is Back" (episode 3.7)
--"Don't Blink" (episode 3.8)
--"Without Mercy" (episode 3.9)
--"Going Platinum" (episode 3.10)
--"Brown Like Me" (episode 3.11)
--"The Reaper" (episode 3.12)
--"Fade Out" (episode 3.13)
--"The Solomon Papers" (episode 3.14)
--"School's Out" (episode 3.15)
--"Outrage" (episode 3.16)
--"The Promised Land" (episode 3.17)
--"Descell" (episode 3.18)
--"Hubris" (episode 3.19)
--"The Unthinkable" (episode 3.20)
--"Vendetta" (episode 3.21)
--"Is It a Crime?" (episode 3.22)
--"No Place Like Hell" (episode 3.23)
--"The Last Hurrah" (episode 3.24)
Poison Berries (1991) -
Rain -
Screening Frogs (short film) -
Dog Tail (short film) -


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